
Facts about Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar was responsible for liberating the modern-day countries of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. He is one of

Famous female spies

A selection of female spies who risked their lives to enter enemy territory and gain information or aid spy networks.

Famous spies

Famous spies who operated in secret passing intelligence to different governments. Includes the exotic dancer Mata Hari and the unassuming,

Facts about Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern was born 26 July 1980 and from 26 Oct 2017, she became the youngest female Prime

Famous Outlaws

A list of Famous Outlaws who committed numerous crimes and went on the run from the law.   Billy The

Famous Firsts

A list of famous firsts throughout human history. Including famous firsts in exploration, science, transport, politics, sport, culture and the